Child Protection

Enhance stipends for community representatives supporting Pikin-To-Pikin programs, balancing sustainability. Include boys in initiatives focused on child rights, strengthen network partnerships for coordinated child protection efforts, and implement programs addressing sexual and gender-based violence.

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Extend programs to additional communities and schools, addressing common challenges across districts. Provide financial assistance to parents for children's basic needs outside school, advocate for qualified teacher recruitment and better conditions in operational districts, enhance school infrastructure, and build the capacity of school authorities for effective management and monitoring

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Health and Nutrition

Develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to combat drug abuse throughout operational districts. Advocate for government approval and payment of healthcare workers, improve healthcare services, expand awareness on access to healthcare, malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS prevention. Include mental health support and awareness, promote exclusive breastfeeding, immunization, and enhance reproductive health awareness and linkages, particularly for pregnant women and children under five years old.

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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Enhance WASH facilities in schools and communities throughout operational districts. Implement robust school and community-led total sanitation initiatives, emphasizing capacity building for beneficiaries in hygiene and sanitation techniques to enhance disease protection.

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Institutional Strengthening

• Develop and implement an institutional capacity development strategy to enhance structure of organisation and attract and retain quality human resources

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